Reasons and types of water treatment agents

At present, due to the rapid increase of water consumption in the world, various environmental protection laws and regulations (water purification law) are promulgated one after another, and the requirements are increasingly stringent, so the promotion of various efficient water treatment agents is very fast. As far as China is concerned, the early economic growth at the cost of destroying the environment has led to the deterioration of water resources, which is in urgent need of improvement, which promotes the positive development of water resources; the contradiction with the increasingly severe water crisis is that the production capacity of water treatment chemicals is very low, and the quality is not regulated, so it is urgent to accelerate the development of environmental protection industry of water treatment chemicals in China. It is a necessary chemical in the process of industrial water, domestic water and wastewater treatment. Through the use of these chemicals, the water can reach the necessary quality requirements. Its primary effect is to control scale and sludge composition, reduce foam, reduce erosion of water contact data, remove suspended solids and toxic substances in water, deodorization, decolorization and softening water quality. The types of the products include, biocides, laxatives, decolorizers, chelators, deoxidizers and ion exchange resins. The water treatment chemicals in our country were paid attention to and gradually developed after the introduction of large chemical fertilizer plants in the 1970s. Since then, with the national attention to water treatment, a series of water treatment chemicals have been developed, including scale inhibitor, corrosion inhibitor, bactericide, algaecide, inorganic coagulant, organic flocculant, etc. China's development is not only a relief to the current severe water crisis, but also a new boost to the construction of circular economy, achieving a win-win situation.